World Class Offensive Operations Services

Social Engineering

is an attack vector that heavily relies on human interaction to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information or granting access to networks or physical locations for malicious purposes. Threat actors use various techniques to deceive individuals, often presenting themselves as trusted sources to influence or trick users into releasing confidential data.

This form of attack exploits human vulnerabilities, such as the willingness to help or fear of consequences, making it easier for attackers to breach security systems.

Social engineering attacks encompass a range of tactics, including phishing, vishing, baiting, pretexting, scareware, watering hole attacks, diversion theft, quid pro quo, honey traps, tailgating, rogue security software, and dumpster diving. These methods aim to deceive individuals through emails, phone calls, physical devices, or in-person interactions to gain access to sensitive information or systems.

Prevention strategies against social engineering attacks include avoiding suspicious email attachments, using multi-factor authentication, being cautious of tempting offers, cleaning up social media profiles, installing and updating antivirus software, regularly backing up data, and refraining from plugging unknown USB devices into computers.